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Hand Picked · Sun Dried · 100% Kona

Features single source, 100% pure Kona coffee, direct from our family farm nestled on the slopes of Mauna Loa to your cup—wherever it may be resting.   We live in the only state in the United States that grows coffee, so …  buy American!  Should you ever travel to Kona, come visit us!  We can be found every Sunday selling coffee and other farm based goodies at the South Kona Green Market, located in Captain Cook, Hawaii, just a short drive from the main town of Kailua-Kona.  So come, play, and stay a while at the One Day Café (that’s us), featured in West Hawaii Today

My family was in Kona back in 2012 and we bought some of Chuck’s coffee....the best Kona coffee on the planet. Thank you Chuck!
— James Morris


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