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From Cherry to Cup


Coffee is a member of the gardenia family.  It has the dark glossy leaves, snow-white blossoms, and the delicately sweet, yet powerful fragrance so characteristic of this family. It takes about 7 months to go from fragrant white blossoms to bright red cherry.
Once picked, it is quite a lengthy process to take the red cherry to a cup of coffee.  Each of the necessary stages and a brief description of the process involved follow the ordering information below.  Since all the beans we use in our roast come exclusively from our own farm, it is called an estate coffee or single source coffee.  We call it Ke’ei Mauka Coffee, named after the point our farm overlooks. We have never been certified organic, but we grow and process our coffee using environmentally friendly, sustainable practices that start with our chickens and end with rich compost. We use no pesticides, neither on our coffee nor on our vegetable gardens abutting the coffee.

Best coffee on this spectacular planet!
We drink it every day and love it more with every sip
— Margaret Downing

The Process